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Scotland's Demographics

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Population Strategy Overview & Governance

Population is a priority area for many councils – some are acutely aware of the significant social and economic impacts of depopulation in their areas, while others face the challenges of dealing with population growth.  Local Government is dealing with the reality of population challenges and is at the forefront of finding solutions to local demographic issues.

The population strategy ‘A Scotland for the Future: Opportunities and challenges of Scotland’s changing population’ was published by Scottish Government in March 2021.

Scottish Government and Scottish Local Government have taken a collaborative approach during the development of the population strategy.

The Governance structures for the population strategy are led by the Ministerial Population Taskforce, which is chaired by the Cabinet Secretary for the Constitution, External Affairs and Culture, Angus Robertson.  COSLA is a member of the Population Programme Board, which forms part of the governance structures of the taskforce.