Human Trafficking & Exploitation

Humanitarian Protection

EU Exit


Hong Kong Welcome Hub

Scotland's Demographics

No Recourse to Public Funds (NRPF)

Gypsy/Traveller Work

Information and Resources

COSLA’s No Recourse to Public Funds Scotland Network provides a forum for Scottish local authorities to access information and advice on NRPF issues. To join the network contact

COSLA have also produced a range of resources to assist local authorities in their work to support people with NRPF. This includes National Guidance on Migrant Rights and Entitlements (awaiting link) and an accessible online webinar which explores topics covered in the guidance and provides useful case studies. 

The UK-wide No Recourse to Public Funds Network also provides useful information, training and resources.

There are a number of third sector organisations that can provide support to destitute people with No Recourse to Public Funds.

Fair Way Scotland

A coalition of charities working to end destitution by providing a gateway to support for people with NRPF

Fair-Way-Scotland-Delivery-Plan-FINAL-051021.pdf (

JustRight Scotland

A human rights organisation with a Scottish Refugee & Migrant Centre 

Destitution – JustRight Scotland

Safe in Scotland

Safe in Scotland provides dignified accommodation and trauma-informed support for people experiencing asylum-related destitution.


Scottish Refugee Council

Advice, information and advocacy for asylum seekers and refugees

Migrant Help

Information about Home Office asylum support and assistance with making applications 

British Red Cross, Refugee Support Provides help with urgent needs, as well as a casework and advice service and crisis grant support

Refugee Sanctuary Scotland

Provide a destitution Grants programme that provides small one-off payments to refugees and people seeking asylum in Scotland facing extreme poverty and homelessness. 

Refugee Sanctuary Scotland – We support refugees and asylum seekers in Scotland to find a route out of poverty and to connect with other people in the community. (