Human Trafficking & Exploitation

Humanitarian Protection

EU Exit


Hong Kong Welcome Hub

Scotland's Demographics

No Recourse to Public Funds (NRPF)

Gypsy/Traveller Work

Local Authority Support

Social services can provide essential support – including accommodation and financial assistance – to families with children and vulnerable adults who are destitute and have NRPF.

This is recognised by the UK and Scottish Governments, and the UK Supreme Court, as being an essential safety net for children within families, care leavers, and adults with care needs, who are at risk of homelessness and cannot access benefits due to their immigration status.

During the Covid-19 pandemic, public health powers were used to provide temporary emergency accommodation and financial assistance to people at risk of homelessness and rough sleeping, who don’t typically qualify for local authority support to mitigate a public health risk. 

If a person is entitled to support from the Home Office, such as support for destitute asylum seekers, then it is the Home Office’s responsibility to provide this support. UK immigration law also excludes some people from being provided with accommodation and financial assistance by social services, unless refusing to provide support would breach their human rights.

Further information on statutory support provision can be found via the online webinar or toolkit on migrants rights and entitlements