Human Trafficking & Exploitation

Humanitarian Protection

EU Exit


Hong Kong Welcome Hub

Scotland's Demographics

No Recourse to Public Funds (NRPF)

Gypsy/Traveller Work

Supporting Roadside Encampments

COSLA has been working to improve the support that is available to people who are camping roadside as part of their cultural identity and nomadic lifestyle.

COSLA is supporting local authorities to take a public health approach to supporting families living roadside. This includes helping councils to provide safe stopping places; access to sanitation and essential services such as education and health; as well as developing transit site provision where it is needed. 

For information about the approach to providing services in Scotland see Covid-19 Recovery Framework and Managing Unauthorised Encampments (links to be attached)

For information about the work COSLA is doing to improve services for people living roadside contact

You can learn about the Negotiated Stopping approach here: